As more and more people are interested in and required to implement effective violence and abuse prevention programming related to interpersonal, sexual, and gender based violence in an ongoing and consistent manner, many practitioners struggle to fulfill mandates and better provide for the needs of their communities in ways that are both 1) cost effective and 2) rooted in best practices. SATF’s Comprehensive Prevention Training is informed by national evidence for effective prevention as well as Oregon specific best-practice implemented by Oregon prevention practitioners and statewide collaborations.
As a result of attending the three-day training, participants will be better prepared to implement comprehensive, effective prevention efforts in their communities, institutions, and schools.
Who is the training for: Preventionists from Community Based, Culturally-Specific, and Tribal Programs, Campus Practitioners, Student Leaders, Sexual Health Educators, Educators and School Administrators, Child Abuse Advocacy Center Staff, Multi-Disciplinary and Sexual Assault Response Team members, School Boards, anyone else implementing or wanting to implement effective violence and abuse prevention efforts rooted in best-practice.
The training covers topics such as: Models and Theories of Prevention, Anti-Oppression and Prevention, Healthy Relationships and Sexuality Promotion, Evaluation of Prevention, Intersections of Response and Prevention, Community and Participant Leadership, Prevention Facilitation Strategies, Action Planning, and more!
FREE – In an effort to ensure that this training, and prevention generally, is accessible to people throughout Oregon, we are committed to providing this training to participants for free as long as we are able.
Participants will leave with: Tangible Tools to Inform their Prevention Efforts, Resources to Enhance their Practice, and Connections to Participate in Ongoing Learning and Support.