Atlanta is one of the top cities for sex trafficking of children in the United States. With the Super Bowl coming in February of 2019, we need your help to rescue these missing kids. We will be partnering with AAACTS and doing our largest outreach ever: 400+ hotels in just two days!
The S.O.A.P. Project (Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution) needs your help to make our 8th Super Bowl Outreach a success!!! Your involvement is critical to our success and solving this issue. Volunteer to help label soap with the national hotline number, deliver soaps to the hotels around Atlanta or donate funds to help us rescue missing children who are being trafficked.
Attend a training and label soap. We need lots of people to go to the hotels and drive as well. Decide what you would like to do at the outreach. Includes a light breakfast and lunch.
Information and registration:
For SATURDAY, JAN. 26, 9:30am – 3pm @ All Saints’ Episcopal Church
For SUNDAY, JAN. 27, 9:30am – 3pm @ Ahavath Achim Synagogue