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JLNW Presents: Protecting Children in a Hyper Digital Age


Mar 19, 2019
7:00pm - 9:30pm


Bedford Playhouse
633 Old Post Road
Bedford, NY 10506


Junior League of Northern Westchester


Learn how to keep your children (and yourself!) safe in this hyper digital age.

Did you know:
Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online.
15% of teens say that they’ve received sexually suggestive nudge images of someone they know via text.
1 in 25 youths received an online sexual solicitation in which the solicitor tried to make offline contact.

The Junior League of Northern Westchester is pleased to present this free community-wide learning event in which Liz Repking, a cyber safety expert (and mother herself!) explores how today’s children are interacting online, the positive and negative implications of technology, and how we can parent with more understanding about the culture of technology for our families.