The LIFT curriculum includes what is considered essential information for health care professionals to know about human trafficking. The American Medical Women’s Association’s Physicians Against the Trafficking of Humans (AMWA-PATH) has created a 4-hour curriculum on human trafficking.
Our curriculum covers:
What Is Trafficking?
Who Is At-Risk?
Where Is Trafficking?
How Are Humans Trafficked?
Why Should We Care?
Trafficking & Health Care
What Can We Do?
Barriers to Care: What Are They?
The Physician’s Dilemma: Now What?
The PATH to recovery
Learning objectives are as follows:
1) Describe scope and prevalence of the problem of human trafficking in the United States.
2) Recognize the warning signs that raise suspicion for possible human trafficking victimization.
3) Commit to incorporate screening of suspected victims of trafficking into routine practice.
4) Commit to clinically evaluate and treat any patient suspected of being trafficked.